Two Years. Seems like she has always been here. There really isn't a lot to tell. She is a dream child. Seriously. She can go to her room - which she does often - and play for an hour or more by herself. Really play. She will stack blocks, look at books and play with her dolls. She does this almost daily. She is happy to play by herself and with her siblings.

She is happy, content, loves attention, loves books, likes to dance and watch her older siblings do school. She is usually quiet and fairly calm. She has learned many signs -- ball, fish, more, eat, baby, stop, all done, water, book, shoes, socks, drink, thank-you, cat, I love you, dirty, sorry, bath, and quite a few more.
She talks a little, but not a lot. She can say, "want snack" and will not stop saying it until we give her something to eat -- she definitely has that one down.
She does have quite a temper at times -- it is fast and short. Make her mad and she will jerk around and stomp her foot. It is actually kind of funny but I'm sure it won't be when she is 10 or 11.
She absolutely loves to eat. It is like she is never full. If you have anything to eat, she is right by your side. Food is definitely the way to her heart.
I know the squirrel doesn't belong in the Bella post, but he is the squirrel that watches her eat breakfast every morning. He sits in the window and just watches. He is actually waiting for his Cheez-Its that we feed him each morning. We have to be careful when we open the window to feed him as he will try to get in. Bella has gotten so used to him that she barely pays attention to him any more. We all have.
Bella is super connected to Sophia and is always concerned about her. If Sophia cries -- Bella cries. If Sophia is upset and yelling -- Bella is there whining and crying. She can't stand for Sophia to be upset. She even gets out of her bed some mornings and climbs in with Sophia to keep her company.
Bella can move through the house so quietly and entertain herself for such long periods of time that I find myself looking for her often. She loves to go up to Sarah, Caroline, and Bethany's room, close the door, and get into their stuff -- dolls, doll clothes, dress-up, and lots of little suitcases full of small dolls, animals, and tiny toys. She is so content.
She is no trouble at all. Nobody minds babysitting her as she is so easy. She will sit with you or play with you or just watch whatever you are doing. She very rarely gets into anything or into trouble. It is so strange to have such a child.
She is such a blessing to us. She is so loving and we all love her so much. I can't imagine not having this child.
Next I will do Sophia. Hopefully, it won't take me long to get it together.