Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Valentine's Day Tea

I had told the kids that we would have a small tea today to celebrate Valentine's Day so we planned our day around the tea. I mainly bought cookies and some cupcakes and a little candy. I decided at the last minute to get one of their favorite things - chicken strips. It doesn't take much for the kids to have fun so I didn't really worry about what we got. Oh, and I got apple juice to replace the tea. 

We invited Reagan and Asher and Joshua and Madelyn. Sadly, Joshua and Madelyn couldn't come as Caroline and Bethany had colds and Joey just finished his chemo. He gets almost everything he is exposed to and they are trying to keep him as healthy as possible. He feels bad enough as it is and  he definitely doesn't  need to pick up some cold or bug. 

So, we had a small tea and the kids really enjoyed themselves. Meredith and I sat in the family room and listened to them laughing and talking and I was thinking what a blessing they all are. It was a nice day. 

Each one of them picked the tea cup that they liked best and used that one. They had fun picking out their favorite and not one cup was broken.

Luke visited while his dad played the piano at a retirement home. He wasn't very interested in tea so he mainly slept. And no Michael, I didn't let Bethany or Caroline get near him -- they couldn't even come in the room he was in. 

Then the kids went out and played a little while before it got dark. I am loving the fact that it is warm enough for them to play out most days. 

Then after everybody was back inside and getting ready for bed, I took some cupcakes and cookies over to Joshua and Madelyn. They were just going to bed, but their mom let them get up and have a cupcake and I was so happy she let them cause I felt bad they missed the tea. Once spring and summer come, I think we will see more of them.


  1. What a sweet little tea party. So funny to see the chicken strips nestled in with all that sugar! I love that you let them use the real tea cups, they must feel so grown up. They are all so beautiful :) Does Sophia sit in there with them, or does she not like the business?

  2. Sophia doesn't care for teas and parties and she will not eat any of the food. There are only a few things she will eat. And she can't sit at the table as she would knock everything within her reach to the floor in a matter of minutes. But, she will sit in the floor or the high chair and watch - though her days in the high chair are almost over as she is getting so tall. She actually wasn't feeling her best that day and was asleep for most of the tea.

  3. Beautiful. My children love tea parties too. :)
