Another one of our children is moving back home - John. He is on his way -- driving across country right now. One of our daughters left last Friday and flew to Washington to pick up his two children and fly back home with them. That way he doesn't have to drive 4 days with two young children in the car. He thought it would just be easier on them. So, the kids arrived on Monday and John should be here late Thursday night. That means that all of our children except two live within 25 minutes of our house. It is good to have them all close by.
I had John's kids today - William (Liam) and Evelyn. The last time I saw them was Christmas and I am pretty sure Evelyn didn't even remember me as she is only 18 months old. But, she was fine and warmed up to me very quickly. I think William remembered us and was ready to play as soon as he got here. It was nice as it was warm and the kids could play outside some.
This post will probably end up being pretty picture heavy as I took a lot of pictures today. I will try to not go overboard.
William playing in the family room with some cars we had here for him.
Evelyn -- it didn't take her much time at all to warm up to everyone and start playing. She is terrified of Bethany's vest, though. I heard her screaming and ran because I thought something terrible had happened and it was just that Evelyn walked into the room where Bethany was doing her treatment. The vest and mask scared Evelyn.
Liam found Piper's camera that she got when she was in the hospital and loved it. He would not put it down for a long time. I told my kids -- finally, somebody else in the family that likes to take pictures!
Piper is making some progress. She is actually standing and hopping on one foot and using the toe of her other foot a tiny bit. She can get around by scooting on her bottom or by hopping. My son, Michael, got her up on it by promising Happy Meals. He actually promised her three as she just wasn't willing to try for less. She was too scared as it hurt. He brought her a Happy Meal on Monday and Tuesday but she asked today where her Happy Meal was -- hmm, it didn't arrive. She expects it tomorrow for sure.
Her doctors said she will have to get some physical therapy to help get her walking again.
Caroline made lunch for everyone today as I was busy and she loves to make lunch. She made chocolate chip pancakes.

Sophia has started to pull herself up more and more. She will sometimes go days and days and maybe even a week without trying, but if she is interested enough then she will pull up on our sofa. When I think how long she had physical therapy and would not cooperate at all, it is nothing short of amazing. There was almost never a week she would even try. They used to put her in a harness and pull her up to her feet so she could stand and she would just let her legs go and wouldn't even put a tiny bit of pressure on her feet. Never. It didn't seem like she would ever even try. She hasn't had therapy for awhile as her therapist had a baby and took time off. Then when we finally got the call to start back up, the time they had available would not work for us at all. So, we had to wait. Well, while we were waiting, Sophia just got up one day and stood. Just like that. She didn't do it again for a long time and then she did it again. Now it is becoming more frequent. She only does it maybe once a day but she does it on her own totally and can even ease herself back down now.

Andrew and Claire made cake pops today and then took them outside to Bethany, Bella and a couple of friends that were playing in the outdoor kitchen.
A few extra pictures I thought I would throw in. This certainly did end up being picture heavy.