Thursday, June 17, 2021

It's Been Awhile

It has been so long since I wrote here that it is kind of hard to get started again - it's always like that for me when it's been a long time. It is hard for me to get back into the rhythm of writing and posting pictures. We have been fairly busy finishing school and then everyone getting tested. We had two days of testing and now we are breaking for a little summer vacation time. 

We have had birthday parties, ice cream trucks, and many family get togethers in the past month and it is so good to get together again. We have made a bucket list for summer and have done one thing on it already and that was making a peach pie with the peaches we got from the Georgia Peach Truck. We picked up two boxes of peaches a week ago and they are all gone now. We made peach pie and peach cobbler and ate peaches every single day. They were great while they lasted. We have another two boxes to pick up in July, but they are not from the Georgia Peach Truck. Hopefully, they will be good, though. 

We are reading Twig by Elizabeth Orton Jones now and will probably finish it tomorrow. This is a book we have read before and I have probably written about here already. But, when my kids love a book they want to hear it several times and I don't mind. 

We are buying new bookcases for our library and so have been getting rid of the old bookcases and putting new ones in and then getting all the books back on shelves. I truly hate to alphabetize books, but I sure have done a lot of it lately. But, going through all the old books has been very relaxing. I love seeing books I have almost forgotten and realizing they would be great books to read to the kids. I have four more bookcases to fill with books and I will be done. We did this because once we moved our baby grand piano into the library it was just too crowded. I found some bookcases that were not so deep and it has actually made a big difference in the library. It feels bigger and now we can walk around the piano easily. I will just be glad when I'm finally done, but I do love books and love being in the library sorting through all of them. 

We are ready for a little summer fun and relaxation. 

Bella absolutely loves this swing. She is on it all the time and I mean all the time. It is not unusual for her to be on it for hours at a time. It is so sweet to look out the window all day long and see Bella swinging. 


  1. It's wonderful to read an update and see what the kids are up to! It's nice that the world is opening back up and offering more opportunities to do things. The bookcases look great!

    1. It is good to be able to get together again. And thanks for the compliment on the bookcases. They are actually not our new ones. Since we never used our living room we turned it into a library years ago and it is full of books. That’s where our new ones are going. We just had two more arrive today and we have one more coming next week. Then we should be done. I am so excited to be almost finished.
