Wednesday, October 7, 2015

China Adoption - Where We Are

Just a little information on where we are in the process of adopting from China. Our homestudy is done and our dossier is in China and we are logged in. Even better -- we already have our LOA (letter of approval) for one of the girls. We have signed that and sent it back.

We have filed our I800 and we are still waiting for approval. We are waiting for a LOA for our other little girl and should have it within a week or two -- I hope. Hopefully, this gives a small idea of where we are in the process and I will give a little more info later. 

I think we now need to figure out names for them so I can stop calling them the girls -- or the first little girl - meaning the one we found first and then the second little girl. We definitely need names.

Emily came by to visit today and Bella couldn't stay away from her -- of course, that could be because she brought food.

Emily traveled with me to Bulgaria when we adopted Bella and Sophia. She was definitely a real help  and good company, too. It was a very enjoyable trip -- probably our easiest adoption trip ever. 

Abigail will be traveling with me to China when we go to pick up the girls. She said it was her turn. 


  1. Sharon, Those two look so beautiful together!

    I'm curious if your new girls have a profile on Reeces Rainbow even though you may have found them from a different source (I'm a RR supporter).

    Sue H.

    1. Sue, we are not on RR as we found our first girl on Rainbow Kids and our second girl wasn't on either RR or RK. We found her on China's Shared list. We were on RR for Bella and Sophia, though.
