Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Making Butter

Today we made butter in a jar. We have been reading Farmer Boy and Almanzo had to help his mom make butter so we decided to give it a try. I bought heavy cream and we used two jars and the kids shook the jars over and over and over and finally the cream started getting thick. We actually thought we had messed it up because we were supposed to have a chunk of butter in a liquid - which would be buttermilk. We just had this thick mixture for a very long time. Just about the time I was going to give up and call it a flop, Bethany noticed a chunk in her jar and we realized it was finally working. So, after a little more work we had butter. 

You actually have to take the butter out and rinse it with cold water several times and then salt it. 
We did that and had a nice little mound of butter that we put on our French bread tonight at dinner. 


  1. We're reading the Little House books too. I'm just catching up here. Lovely photos, lovely children and lovely memories you're making together.

    1. Hope you are enjoying the Little House books as much as we are. I do think of you often and always wonder how you and your family are doing.
