Thursday, May 23, 2013

Day Trip to Williamsburg

Yesterday, Emily, Abigail, Sarah, Zola, Caroline and I went to Colonial Williamsburg for the day. We mainly walked around the streets and went in a few stores. The part of Williamsburg that I like best is walking around all the gardens and looking at all the fences with flowers and the courtyards. I love to just sit in the courtyards and dream of having a beautiful yard or garden like so many of the homes in Colonial Williamsburg have. It is so peaceful and calming to me when I sit in the courtyards and gardens -- even with people walking around looking at everything. 

We had lunch at the Cheese Shop and ice cream at Baskin Robbins -- I think Sarah's favorite part of the day. I usually take lots of pictures when we go. Yesterday I think I took mostly pictures of things -- gardens, fences, baskets, hats, soap and all the stuff in the stores -- very few pictures of the kids. There are just so many interesting and beautiful things to take pictures of there -- and since I love taking pictures and beautiful homes and gardens it is one of my favorite places. 

A few pictures.


  1. I can't help but smile when I read a blog post that someone has visited Colonial Williamsburg. It is one of my favorite places and on any given day you can find me walking thru the streets there since we only live 10 minutes from CW. I also wonder some days as I'm walking around if there will ever be anyone that I follow thru blogs walking down the same street. I'm glad you all had a great time. :)

    1. I have often thought how wonderful it would be to live really close to Colonial Williamsburg. I think I would love it. I don't know why it seems so peaceful when there are people wandering all around, but it does. I could sit in the gardens all day long.

    2. You can find my husband and I there very Saturday morning very early getting our walk in. I find it to be a very calming place too.

    3. That sounds so nice. I think I could live on Duke of Gloucester Street even with all the people looking around. Seriously. But, some of the side streets are really beautiful and obviously quieter. The whole place is just beautiful. I would be walking the streets as often as possible if I lived nearby.
