Sunday, September 10, 2017

Getting Started

We were a little later than usual starting school this year. So, Monday is actually our first full day. But, on Friday we did do some cooking from an online curriculum that I printed and will use this year. I think we are going to enjoy using this and it was free. The first thing we made was Apple Crisp and it was very simple to make so all the kids could help. We had to buy four different kinds of apples and try all of them to taste the differences and then each child had to choose their favorite. Red Delicious won for all of the kids. 

While we cooked, Zola took Luke upstairs and let him nap on her bed. And she didn't leave him for one minute, but sat at the foot of her bed and simply watched him sleep. 


  1. Sounds yummy! Can you share the curriculum you found?

    1. Oh my goodness, I have missed talking to you. Email me sometime and catch me up on things. The curriculum is - Let's Cook! It is from the Washington State Department of Health. Just google "Let's Cook by Washington state department of health" . It will come up as a PDF . It is a lot of pages to print but I did print them all and put in a notebook. Now each child has a notebook for recipes and notes.

  2. this is so cool! do you homeschool all of your kids?
