Since it was so hot today and Andrew had been wanting to make bread, I thought we would go ahead and bake a little. Andrew's bread was going to take quite awhile so he started on that first. He did that by himself but the kids watched - well, Piper and Tess did. Only Andrew, Bethany, Piper and Tess did the baking -- the others played with the karaoke machine upstairs. I thought Bella would join us, but she wanted to sing and dance instead. Anyway, Andrew did his bread first so it could start rising while the girls made their stuff.

After he got his dough done and put it in the bottom oven to rise, the girls got out the stuff to make brownies -- I will admit we used a box mix for this, but they still had fun. Before they actually started the brownies Tess was clapping flour all over the place. She would put some in her hands and then clap and the flour would fly. I'm not sure why I let her do this or why it didn't even bother me. Somehow I have mellowed out a lot over the years and it was hard to get mad or even tell her no when I saw what enthusiasm she had. I will say this -- Piper and Tess have enthusiasm for life. I have never seen anything like it. They can have more fun and get so excited over the simplest things. Sometimes I just watch amazed -- like today. They definitely add some spice to our lives.
After playing in the flour for a few minutes, and I did have to guide her away from the clapping and flying mess, Tess got out the brownie mix.
Again, these girls are so enthusiastic -- look at Piper's face.
Once they got the brownies mixed and in the pan and in the oven it was time to make a cherry pie.
Once everything was done, everyone got to have a brownie and then after dinner they got cherry pie. I didn't get a picture of Andrew's bread as it was so late when it was done, but it turned out really nice. It was a good day.