Wednesday, April 15, 2020

This Week So Far

We started off our week on Monday morning losing power at about 7:30 am. That really wasn't so bad as we have a generator - something we have to have if we want to be able to do Bethany's treatments when we lose power. Later that day our brand new microwave, that we just bought to replace the one that died a week ago, died. Immediately after that we lost internet. Losing the internet was bad because Bill has to work from home, but you obviously need internet for that. Thank goodness we got it back late this afternoon. 

Its been a long month. I'm so used to seeing my older kids and my grandkids several times a week and some of them every single day.  I have a brand new baby granddaughter that I can't visit and it's really sad. But, we have tried to find lots to do and make and read this past month. Today I took Bethany for a ride up the street to drop a letter she wrote to her Sunday school teacher in the mailbox. She was actually excited to just go for the ride. Anyway, I was talking about how everyone had to stay home more and there were many just like us with a "Stay at Home" mandate. I told her that lots of kids were probably bored not being able to see friends or teachers or do the extra activities they do. She kind of surprised me by immediately saying, "They must not have a very interesting home like we do then." And it just hit me how content she is. She's ok with being home and making things and finding projects to do or new things to bake. It actually made my day and you know it really isn't so bad. We are here together and spending a ton of time reading and talking - it's good. 

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