Monday, December 23, 2019

The Twenty-Four Days Before Christmas - Day 23

Today almost slipped by without a special thing, but we did manage at the end of the day to do something, which was to set up a projection shadowlight. It rotates and send images all over the walls and ceiling. It changes colors from blue to red to white and green. The kids absolutely loved it. It was so magical to see the stars and moon and Santa and the reindeer moving over the ceiling and walls. It was really pretty and it was definitely a great special thing for today. I had bought it give to the kids and almost forgot about it and when we were nearing the end of the day and I had not planned anything special, I remembered it. It was perfect. 

I was going to video the projection on the walls and ceiling, but after trying to get the video up of Bethany last night, and how bad the quality was, I didn't even dare try. So, I have nothing. But, it really was pretty and we sat and watched and watched it. Anyway, I will post a random picture instead and I hope everyone is having a wonderful Christmas season. 

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