Tuesday, December 8, 2020

The Twenty-Four Days Before Christmas Day - 8

Today our special thing was to get new Christmas jammies. They didn't all get the exact same ones this year, but they all liked what they got. The bad thing was I waited pretty late to hand them out and it was dark and I had a really hard time getting them all together in the really poor light. So, I don't have a good picture of everyone this year. I took the pictures but they were so bad. Bad. There was not a single picture I liked with everyone in it.

We also opened our canvas bag the kids painted and read the books that were in it - A Cup of Christmas Tea and Christmas in the Trenches. We do this each day and for some reason it seems more exciting to open a bag and see what the book or two of the day is. We also finished The Christmas Doll and tomorrow we start a new book. I thought we would finish this a little earlier than we did, but we got kind of busy. 

Bethany put the lights on our porch tree today and that was such a help as I have so much wrapping to do. She did a really good job - well, she has a tiny bit more to finish but it really looks good. 

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